Sunday, February 28, 2010

Therefore what?

In addition to just naming some facts or answering a question, my goal is that each post will answer the question "therefore what?" This means, I will try to apply the topic to everyday life and find out, at least for me, why I should care about this topic, and more importantly, how does it affect the decisions I make and the actions that I do each day. I truly believe that life is made up of the choices that I make every day, every minute, every second. No matter how much I wish that my situation was different, nothing will change that has not been changed in my actions. It is true that there are certain limitations to that statement such as changing my height or a disease I was born with, but for the most part, just wishing life was different, that I was in better shape, that I had more money, or that I understood some topic better, will not change until I do something different. My actions give meaning to my life.

The old saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, for me rings true. In my case, for a long time I wished that I could understand better why my country is involved in so many wars, or what the different arguments are for and against taxes and yet until recently I had not changed anything in my actions to find those answers. Just doing my daily routine over and over again got me the same result, not understanding. I'm ready to stop being insane! Now I have started doing a new action, that is to ask questions, to get answers and to ask more questions. I am finally getting a different result and I find it exhilarating. Therefore, I will continue to seek and learn new things about the world around me in order to understand my scary topics and to form opinions based on truth that will affect how I live my life everyday. Why? Because it makes me happy.

What will you DO today instead of just wishing?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

With Keys in Hand

This is my first time ever creating a blog. My brother Keith will be so proud! Although some of my posts will give examples from my personal life, the objective of this blog is not as a personal journal but to share what I have learned about what I call "scary" topics in a concise but interesting way. I call them scary simply because for a long time I thought they seemed too hard or too big to understand. These topics may include, but are not limited to: economics, politics, law, justice and other controversial topics. The title of this blog "With Keys in Hand" came to me as I was running to my car after a work meeting with my keys in my hand. I was so anxious to get home that I took the keys out of my purse before the meeting even ended so that I wouldn't have to waste time fumbling for them (in my new big purse that is already messy) once I reached the car. For me I am so often in a rush that I am constantly running with keys in hand to save any amount of time here and there.

More often than not this great rush in my life has prevented me from taking the time to study out those "scary" topics which I just mentioned. Even now that I know I find those topics interesting I still have to push myself to ask more questions and do the research so I invite anyone to tell me what they've always wanted to know about a topic that to them is scary or simply just unknown and I will do my best to find an answer. You are also welcome to leave comments, to give further insight and to agree or disagree. It is also my goal to keep the posts rather short. If a topic needs a longer explanation, then I will just split it up into more than one post.

Perhaps you may already know a lot more about the topics which I will present, but maybe, just maybe, I will bring some new ideas for you to contemplate as in each post I try to answer the question therefore what? Why should I care about this? Come back and read my next post to find out more about therefore what!