Sunday, February 13, 2011

Something to Do

I haven't posted anything on my blog in well over 6 months now so I certainly don't expect anyone to read this post. It is Sunday evening and at any minute Ken will ask to use my computer so that he can finish a project on Excel (he uses a Mac). Haha...just as I was finishing that sentence he asked for it. So this really will be short because I know that he needs to use it before it gets too late.

An interesting subject was the topic of an e-mail discussion amongst several people on Ken's side of the family recently. Ken started it by relating to all of us a conversation that occurred at his work about the US Government falling apart. This post is not actually meant to be a commentary on whether or not it is falling apart. Actually, the most interesting part to me was the fact that a one of the guys said he does believe it is falling apart and that anything could break it "because we are not strong." However, he then brushed off his own comment as if it were impossible. Later a short discussion occurred around the idea of "what would we do if it all fell apart?" They all pretty much agreed that they don't really know how to do anything such as grow their own food. One guy said "yeah I guess I would just have to pillage around town." Ken felt that the guys were in essence saying that they didn't prepare for such an event because they did not want to be thought of as "paranoid" about it. But if we are not prepared for such things then we really are just left to pillage and probably do things we never thought we would do in order to get food and protect our families.

The e-mail discussion amongst his family was about whether or not we are prepared for chaos should our government fall just as nations such as Egypt and Lebanon or financial chaos such as in Greece. So my thoughts tonight are just to think about whether or not I am lulled into the sense of security that nothing like that could ever happen to me or to this country, or am I alert and prepared in case such a thing does happen?


Amy said...

I actively prepare for this every single day because I know if it doesn't happen things will get pretty darn bad and I don't want to see my children suffer.

Burgess and I are working to pay off all of our school loans with in the next three years (that's about 30,000 worth - so it's a hefty goal). We also have an emergency fund of CASH on hand in case things go crazy. We have food storage (I used to have a full years worth but we've been having to dip into it for a while - THANKS GOODNESS WE HAVE IT! We have been really trying to stay out of any additional debt other than what we had for school) We also work very hard to keep the spirit of Christ in our home, to remain virtuous and teach our children integrity.

I know if we just follow the prophet - stay out of debt/GET out of debt, keep the commandments - things will be alright.

Jenn said...

(one of) My New Year's Resolution is to get 72 hour kits prepared for everyone in my family. If chaos ensued you never know if you might have to flee your home. In addition to that I am working every month on completing our 1 year supply food storage (not as easy a task as you might think).
I do think I live in a false sense of security, especially living in the country, I feel very safe. But I know it will not always be this way. that's why, like Amy, I'm just trying to do as the Prohpets have counciled so I can be prepared.

Sally said...

Ya, my family would pretty much be in big trouble.